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Living Future Conference 2025

Living Future Conference 2025


May 6 - 8, 2025 | Portland, OR USA


Conference Pass Pricing Schedule

  • Super early bird ticket pricing September 18 - 30: $1,300
  • Early bird ticket pricing October 1 - December 31, 2024: $1,400
  • Regular ticket pricing January 1 - March 31, 2025: $1,600
  • Last call ticket pricing April 1 - May 8, 2025: $1,750

LF25 is more than just a conference—it's a call to action.

We're convening the brightest minds in sustainability, architecture, design, manufacturing, real estate, and policy to accelerate the movement toward a truly regenerative future. 

  • Plenaries: Hear inspiring keynotes, 15 Minutes of Brilliance talks, and FutureFlow speakers
  • Immersive Tours: Explore Living Buildings and cutting-edge sustainable design facilities through curated, behind-the-scenes tours
  • Breakout Sessions: Choose from 10 hands-on workshops and 25 expert-led breakout sessions among the climate, health, equity, and nature tracks
  • Impact Awards: Witness the recognition of trailblazing projects and leaders in the regenerative movement
  • Networking: Forge valuable relationships over meals, during breaks, at receptions, and unwind at our afterparty
  • Daily Meals:  Enjoy delicious, climate-conscious vegetarian menus
  • Introductory Living Future Membership: Gain access to monthly member newsletter, regional member events, and selected CEU webinars and virtual networking events

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